They don't stop flying or anything like that. They volunteer to come. It won't interrupt service.

It became a points' race for us early when we had our suspension problem. We went from hero to nothing in one turn. We were just too far down on the order to make a run at the win. We will start to focus on our run for the GT season ending championship.

The balance of the car is really good.

It?s great to have opportunities like this. To be involved with the community and help out as well as interact with them is great. They can see you on the posters (referring to the team posters handed out at the event which featured members from each sport), but to be able to really work with them and get to know them on a personal level is really good.

We only had 10 the week before and got over 10 times that [yesterday].

We are concentrating on presenting our case. But we continue to prepare for all contingencies.

Do you believe there could still be one person in the car? Well we're unclear on that, there is some indication that there could still be one more person, but we're unclear on that. Information is a little sketchy right now.

Please participate in this opportunity to demonstrate our unity and show Delta management what will happen if they choose to reject our contract.

That's kind of like asking the coach what he thinks at halftime. We're just going to stay focused on our goal and not be sidetracked by any of these sideline issues.