24 quotes about overdone follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Some of the concerns out there about CPI hitting 3% ... at least in the short term look overdone.

Ross Walker

Some people are betting that the sell-off was overdone.

Felix Boni

The selling on Friday was probably a bit overdone. Softbank is not the whole market.

Michael Wilkins

I think it's dramatically overdone. The only area that they missed was in the optical systems business.

Alex Henderson

It looks as if the rise was a bit overdone.

Peter Kysel

The American numbers showed the people who had been getting nervous about interest rates may now think we may be overdone.

George Hodgson

The markets really are little overdone to the upside.

Linda Jay

I firmly believe these markets are so overdone, so oversold.

Linda Jay

In hindsight, yesterday's sell-off was a bit overdone.

Masayoshi Okamoto

We are seeing some cheap buying after yesterday's decline which was a bit overdone. Some good U.S. earnings results has also encouraged some people.

Antony Mak

We have to see what kind of impact the double-barrel effect of high energy and high rates have on the consumer. The Fed might have overdone it.

Benjamin Pace

I think it (the sell-off) was very overdone. For some of these companies, the fundamentals remain very strong.

Grace Fey

Praise is always good as long as it's not overdone. If you praise everyone equally, what's the praise worth?

Danny Murphy

I think the oil concerns have gotten overdone, ... but the situation in Iraq is a different story, though, as is a potential attack.

Robert Philips

I don't think the stock is going to go higher, if anything it's been overdone for the short term.

Kurt Funderburg

We set a new high [in euro/dollar] on Friday and the market is a bit exhausted and overdone.

Peter Fontaine

We're seeing a bubble bursting in the bond market. It was way overdone; there was really no justification for bonds being at [such a low] yield.

Jim Bianco

Click, buy, checkout and wait for your order to arrive—it's that simple. There's no need for creatively overdone Web sites—just the basics will do.

Chris Consorte

I said to myself, 'Man, I'm so tired of hearing songs about peoples' ex-girlfriends. It's really nauseating. And the whole me, me, me aspect of it was just like (overdone).

Gerard Way

We are overweight on negativity right now, ... overdone.

Joseph Quinlan

The market needs to have interest rates cut. I think the Fed has overdone it.

Lewis Borsellino

Retiring numbers in sports is way overdone, but it's impossible to argue with this one. Messier always will be 'the captain' in New York.

Dave Maloney

The negativity is overdone and there is an opportunity for Net2Phone.

Eric Buck

We think stock weakness is overdone and would be buyers at current levels.

Edward Maguire