20 quotes about ordinarily follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid.

Heinrich Heine

A summary witness is ordinarily a dispassionate presenter.

Frank Dunham

These findings suggest that after someone has been drinking, he or she might be more likely to blurt out a racist comment or laugh at a racist joke, even though he or she would ordinarily not make such a comment.

Bruce Bartholow

While I would ordinarily not comment on conversations with my constituents, Ms. Meeks has given me her permission to do so.

Adam Putnam

Advertisements ordinarily work their wonders, to the extent that they work at all, on an inattentive public.

Michael Schudson

I just want to live each moment, but it's kind of hard to do that when you are asked to analyze yourself constantly. But it's also good in that you are forced to think about things that you don't ordinarily think about. I think it's strange.

Alexis Bledel

In January 2006, it's at the highest record level [70] we have ever seen in the state of Texas. Ordinarily in January, that number would be an index of 20. The most drought January we have ever seen before [January 2006] was at 40. The highest we've ever seen since in Texas was 68 in an August month.

James Hull

The government, when it settles a case, ordinarily seeks jail times for officers and directors and high executives who are implicated in the conspiracy. I know that it is something that the government tries to get and will try to get it in this case, no doubt.

Peter Sullivan

It's going to be a car show for people who don't ordinarily go to car shows. There will be lots of things for mom and the kids to do.

Sam Harris

I may be kindly, I am ordinarily gentle, but in my line of business I am obliged to will terribly what I will at all.

Catherine The Great

We buy a lot of extra things that we ordinarily wouldn't be able to buy.

Sandra Billings

I ordinarily wouldn't have taken a chance on something like that.

Ann Powell

We wanted to get to places that aren't ordinarily featured. We wanted to have that main street feel. It's refreshing.

Andrew Glassman

Their athletic director, John Watson, contacted me directly. Ordinarily that would indicate that Larry is on their short list. It certainly wouldn't be a surprise.

Jim O'day

Ordinarily at this time of year we do have an increased number of people crossing the border to their respective countries and this does cause some congestion.

Nkosana Sibuyi

People came up to me randomly and gave me hugs. The support has continued -- people who ordinarily wouldn't say anything come up to us and just hug us.

Lindsey Ingram

Ordinarily, violations occur on a regular basis. On any inspection, you'll find some. This is not a very huge mine. As the numbers grow in volume, it's something management has to address.

Davitt Mcateer

This is a terrific opportunity for (WPXI) a great chance to extend our brand to people who ordinarily watch another channel.

Ray Carter

This could (ordinarily) take three years. But everything's on track.

John Lopez

Minds of moderate caliber ordinarily condemn everything which is beyond their range.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld