7 quotes about newt follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

So isn't it ironic that Newt Gingrich is attempting to put his ethic problems behind him with a plan that requires a whole new investigation by the ethics committee?

David Bonior

As Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich dedicated much of his energy to improving the lives of the children of the District of Columbia. We are blessed that the Newt and Callisita Gingrich Foundation are continuing that work through this generous donation to Cornerstone.

Derrick Max

After the Republicans took control of Congress in '94 and Newt Gingrich and company came to town, the money moved from being roughly equal between Democrats and Republicans to very heavily Republican.

Larry Makinson

-She turned me into a newt! -A newt?-I got better...

Monty Python

That is a spin from out of nowhere, ... All I know is every time I give advice to Newt, he nods his head affirmatively.

Henry Hyde

She is our Newt Gingrich. She is our Tom DeLay.

Jarvis Stewart

This isn't about more power for the president. It's about more votes for Newt Gingrich, and that's the last thing America needs.

Lloyd Doggett