17 quotes about manipulated follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Irving has for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence.

David Irving

We are so cleverly manipulated and influenced by the media and establishments on both the right and left, that the truth has become hopelessly lost in semantics.

Jules Carlysle

The government can't assure the public that the over-the-counter market isn't being manipulated.

Randall Dodd

It was built on the opinions of experts. Experts who can be wrong; experts who can be manipulated; and experts who can be bought. The case is like a house built on a bad foundation. If you build a house on a bad foundation, cracks start to show.

Stacy Uliana

That was the blueprint that each and every one of these cooperators followed, ... They know the government can be manipulated.

Jeffrey Lichtman

They manipulated their product to their advantage. The worse thing they did was market these products to children.

Stephen Murray

You will live your life secure in that you are no longer manipulated by what other people want you to do and be, but are directed by your own inner desires.

H. Stanley Judd

When it comes to controlling human beings, there is no better instrument than lies. Because you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.

Michael Ende

Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled.

Avram Noam Chomsky

It has been very clear the Guard leadership has historically manipulated the figures of ready personnel to make it look like they have higher staffing levels than they do.

Joseph Dunn

We were going to find that elections were manipulated wildly and regularly. Yet there was never any proof that that happened anywhere in America.

Doug Lewis

The pedestrian gate on the southwest corner of the intersection had been manipulated, so that it was in the up position.

Kevin Durkin

It is another interesting way to look at viewer opinion, and we are going to be speaking with these companies about doing business with them, but my concern is whether or not what they monitor can be manipulated.

Alan Wurtzel

If you make a system that can be manipulated, unfortunately in our current political environment, it probably will be. Why take that chance?

Ion Sancho

What happens, ... is that people say, well if you've changed that, what else have you changed? If you've manipulated that, what else have you manipulated?

Michael Wolff

We manipulated it a little bit for pronunciation purposes.

Nolan Lawing

Papa has not misled any client, manipulated any record, or covered up anything.

Michael Connolly