15 quotes about jails follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Jails and prisons are the complement of schools; so many less as you have of the latter, so many more must you have of the former.

Horace Mann

We are in the midst of an educational crisis right now. First-class schools are being replaced by first-class jails.

Bonita Parker

Jails don't work, institutions don't work. They will only stop drugs if they are given the opportunity to change their lives.

John Fasick

[If Abbas is] going to collect the guns, that means a war without mercy, ... It's impossible to surrender our guns and to enter the Palestinian Authority jails again.

Mahmoud Zahar

The total number of convicts at the jails across the country has reached 105,000. Hopefully, the remission will really be issued on August 17.

Hamid Awaluddin

Corrections and jails is not a nice business to be in.

Jim Gantt

The government of Colombia and even the United States do the same thing, ... If you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail. Here we don't have jails, so we detain people.

Raul Reyes

Certainly we hope to use this 500 to address the number of inmates in county jails over the 30-day limit.

Brian Corbett

Shi Tao is being unjustly punished by a government that routinely jails journalists.

Ann Cooper

Within the next 10 years, probably all jails will become smoke-free.

Joey Stanton

Because we have 100 percent, you can't get higher than that. So out of the 58 counties that have jails, the worst we can do is tie. We are the best.

Steve Warren

I've talked to experts in the field, people that are experts in design of jails, experts in construction and experts in operation of the jail and it can be cost effective downtown.

Joel Baker

The issue comes up with volume. If we were to lock up everyone with a firecracker, we wouldn't have enough jails.

Joe Durkin

We haven't heard of jails taping what should be confidential conversations. That's wrong.

Kary Moss

Your jail is one of the most crowded jails I've been in.

Steve Carter