11 quotes about hospice follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It gives valuable support for the hospice.

John Grady

Hospice is a ministry. I give all the glory to the Lord.

Laurel Schmidt

Hospice is such a great cause. There's a lot of support for it.

Melissa Gayer

I think the fact it was hospice that she was volunteering for definitely influenced us.

Liz Scott

His community service extends well beyond Hospice.

Brenda Butscher

We refer to them as the heart of the hospice. They all make a difference in people's lives.

John Grady

And we got calls today, 'We need you ... to go to a place in St. Bernard Parish. It's a hospice, ... and there are 10 dead and there are 10 dying.' But those people were probably alive yesterday or the day before.

Bruce Jones

I'm sure that some of the hospice participants will be in the audience. One of them has already died. And, you know, all of us have impermanence in common.

Meredith Monk

Hospice might help you some day. You never know.

Grace Vereb

Hospice of Lake & Sumter is another organization that fits perfectly with what we try to accomplish through Call 4 Health.

Joseph Pores

My mom passed away from cancer 11 years ago and I saw the excellent hospice care she got. I'd like to do anything I can to give back.

Jimmy Bannos