17 quotes about fuss follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

She didn't have to fuss at us this time, because we did a great job as a team.

Jean Best

Brett would throw the ball so hard, Irvin would come out and fuss at him. Deanna wouldn't let on. She was going to catch 'em.

Bonita Favre

[Eventually the] hoopla will die down [and people will] run the same way we brush our teeth-every day, without a fuss.

James Fixx

Coach was so mad, he didn't even fuss at us. We were ashamed at ourselves.

Dietric Slater

If he was an employee, we can't take any action, ... If you want to fuss about him being an employee, this is not the forum for that.

Anne Murray

Don't make too big of a fuss out of things, The younger you can bring them in to get a haircut, the more likely they are going to get along with a haircut.

Justin Hill

Death? Why this fuss about death? Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

I've been badly used in some way and I don't want to make a fuss. It was in a drunken scrape. I'll be all right in a few days.

John Copeland

In the six years I've been here, there's only been one instance when we had to ask someone to leave. And they did without a fuss.

Stephen Morris

He had not wanted to make a fuss.

David Whitton

Okay, you're the smartest kid in class, now can I have my veal, please, with about half the fuss?

William Bradley

If we fuss and fight and feud with each other, our kids will be left behind.

Sen. Joy Padgett

The fuss you hear is not from GAM, but from the TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces) and parliament.

Irwandi Yusuf

As for the British churchman, he goes to church as he goes to the bathroom, with the minimum of fuss and no explanation if he can help it.

Ronald Blythe

The congressman is a class act, he didn't make a fuss.

Michael Mcmahon

But when we started winning, I got excited and more interested. I will never fuss at her for buying them again.

Danielle Patterson

If one is going to change things, one has to make a fuss and catch the eye of the world.

Elizabeth Janeway