32 quotes about digging follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We have located the area where they were buried by the avalanche and have begun digging through the snow looking for the bodies.

Bikram Neupane

He dragged me into the bedroom and said he'd been outside digging my grave. And he raped me.

Susan Greenberg

We have to get started cleaning up some of these lakes. Every year we let go by, it's a bigger hole we're digging.

Vern Lorsung

They're digging them out and rescuing them.

John Blatt

So when we need to do maintenance, we aren't digging up a meadow.

Adrienne Freeman

She jumped out of the car and started digging into this box of broken glass, cutting her paws.

Philip Gonzalez

Everybody now is digging a little deeper.

Joseph Kalinowski

We're not in a hole yet, but we're digging ourselves into one. Every game we don't win, we get deeper in that hole.

Jason Richardson

A lot of them will not do it at all. It's not digging a bigger hole to put the body in; it really is a much longer process.

Jack Springer

We knew the big kid was really strong. The guys we put on him did a nice job digging it out for us.

Dave Wojciechowski

We've got to go get something to sit on to eat. We don't have anything but I can't find anything - I'm always digging in the suitcases again.

Brenda Schiro

For the first time in a while, it seems to be letting up, so we're digging out, and there's a lot of digging to do.

Chuck Shepard

It was a matter of our kids digging deep, and they responded well.

Dan Picha

It's about an ongoing digging into the data.

Jason Messer

We are digging out from a deep pit.

David Bell

They are knee-deep in the rubble. Digging out the debris will be essential before a cause can be pinpointed.

Jennifer Mieth

Their food was buried. I saw them digging for food.

Ron Hays

When relief operators are available, he has been spending days digging through the wreckage.

Bob Bell

We cannot predict the number of those killed. We are digging out the victims.

Ali Barani

Slow, very slow, with lots and lots of digging in pretty unpleasant conditions.

Kevin O'brien

Digging around the scene trying to figure out exactly what happened.

Jay Gates

I've never been ashamed of digging, clawing, scratching out a few runs if that's what we've got to do.

Heather Bruder

So everybody is happy, ... You know, the fans are happy. We're happy. I'm digging it.

Vince Neil

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.

Cowboy Proverb

When in a hole, stop digging.

Sanjeeva Ananthan

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Will Rogers

I get no benefit from it. It's like being in a dark room and having someone digging in your pockets for change.

Doug Wells

When you're in a hole, stop digging.

Denis Healey

First law on holes - when you're in one, stop digging!

Denis Healey

Because this is digging deep into their data, we had to build a security layer around it.

Bob Vogel

He who thinks he is raising a mound may only in reality be digging a pit.

Ernest Bramah

We're not done, not until they actually start digging the ground.

Elizabeth White