It's so much fun. I've gotten a great response.

It is a human transporter that can go 12.5 miles an hour. It's fun to be able to tool around at five times the speed of walking.

Having that decision out of the way should take some pressure off.

Expectations are high and they should be. They are anxious to get things going.

My place is a pig pen mess.

It's useful. It brings this whole issue more into the public awareness. It will perhaps encourage people to listen more carefully and study the proposal to decide whether it helps them or hurts them.

To me, it was anybody's game. We took the lead late in the fourth quarter, but they made the plays and we didn't.

She follows my advice, she exercises, and she's very self-motivated.

If he needs anything, call me. I am here for him.

Hey, what are you gonna do about it? I'll tell you one thing: I'd rather be sitting here than flipped over at La Guardia.

We are fortunate to have depth. Most teams have one or two top players. We have six or seven.