It's really important, especially in our league. You never know who is going to do what. It's going to be a fight all year, I think.

I knew both of them were out.

I was in there three or four times every day during the week. I went before class and after class and before practice and then after batting practice. I think I spent more time in the training room than I did in class this week.

I usually hit the ball well. But those were pretty good.

I just missed the pitch before that. He threw me a curve ball and he actually jammed me a little bit.

We're just starting to hit the crap out of the ball.

It was fun for everyone here, even the fans who showed up when it was freezing. I mean, we were just having fun and playing the game instead of worrying about it or going through the motions. We were having fun and that showed at the plate because people were relaxed.

I got all of that one.

It feels sore. But it's good enough. It feels good. Not good-good. But 90 percent good.