It's not autobiographical, ... It is in the sense that anything you write in first person to some extent is autobiographical because you've got to put some of yourself into it. But most of the events in there are from imagination and research.

It seems I'm kind of a depressing person, ... Life's been rough. No really, I don't pick the stories that come to me. I'm not clever enough to decide where the story is going to go. The voice of the narrator comes to me and then the setting comes and then the time.

They gave me 60 days to look for another position.

We have a nice lifestyle, but we're not extravagant.

I came from a family that has worked for a long time. My father-in-law just retired at 81. I'm keeping busy and I like what I do.

We're very proud of her.

Teachers will say that kids who haven't read before really enjoyed the book, ... It can be a stepping stone to helping someone learn to love reading ... Once you learn to read and love to read, then you can really conquer anything.

Once you learn to read and love to read, then you can really conquer anything.

I wasn't thinking long term. I was in my late 20s. You're still thinking of yourself as a youngster. Retirement is so far off. Honestly, you're working so hard, you weren't really focused on the future or retirement. It was day-to-day work projects.