You can expect passion, ... It's about my life and my experiences. It's a really good, well-rounded CD.

What I'm trying to be is a missing link in the music industry today, ... There's not a lot of positive messages in music today. You hear a lot about shaking your booty and guns. You don't hear a lot of Stevie Wonder. I'm motivated to make a difference in the world and encourage youth to be who they are.

[The theme of his upcoming album, which follows his short Christmas CD released last year, is] pretty much love, ... Not sexual love, but love as in 'love your neighbor.'

(Judge) Simon Cowell said I was a nice guy with a nice voice, ... But he said I was not an American Idol.

I just want the people to know that there will be a brighter day.

Sometimes I want to cry when I see all that's happened in New Orleans. It was really hard to go back home and see the place like that ... but He won't put no more on you than you can handle. He's the greatest gift you'll ever have. ... Anybody who knows George Huff, they know that I love the Lord.

I'm a little bit more spunky, ... ... The tonal quality of my voice is slightly different.