You make a lot of adjustments in the early years, and it gets easier. -Carol Levine


You make a lot of adjustments in the early years, and it gets easier.


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This quote is just one of 8 total Carol Levine quotes in our collection. Carol Levine is known for saying 'You make a lot of adjustments in the early years, and it gets easier.' as well as some of the following quotes.

You make a lot of adjustments in the early years, and it gets easier.

Carol Levine

We'll give it a good shot. We could do well or we could get killed.

Carol Levine

Being thrust into the role of caregiver without any preparation is difficult under any circumstances.

Carol Levine

I've been teaching tennis for 25 years.

Carol Levine

We had no jobs, no place to live. At his first job he worked for $400 a month.

Carol Levine