What sets Riley apart is her willingness to learn and her desire to win. In a competition, she wants to do well. If she doesn't, she feels like she's let the dogs down somehow. -Mary Fedder


What sets Riley apart is her willingness to learn and her desire to win. In a competition, she wants to do well. If she doesn't, she feels like she's let the dogs down somehow.


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This quote is just one of 3 total Mary Fedder quotes in our collection. Mary Fedder is known for saying 'What sets Riley apart is her willingness to learn and her desire to win. In a competition, she wants to do well. If she doesn't, she feels like she's let the dogs down somehow.' as well as some of the following quotes.

I remember the first show Riley was involved in. She was showing one of my dogs. The dog became very nervous and agitated before the competition. Riley had read in a book that if you wrapped a dog and cradled him, he'll relax. Riley took a ribbon out of her hair, wrapped the pup in it, and cradled him a little. The dog calmed down instantly.

Mary Fedder

What sets Riley apart is her willingness to learn and her desire to win. In a competition, she wants to do well. If she doesn't, she feels like she's let the dogs down somehow.

Mary Fedder