Terri is in a persistent vegetative state and the court found as such, ... There are no treatments or therapies that can help her and the judge's ruling supports that position. -George Felos


Terri is in a persistent vegetative state and the court found as such, ... There are no treatments or therapies that can help her and the judge's ruling supports that position.


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This quote is just one of 9 total George Felos quotes in our collection. George Felos is known for saying 'Terri is in a persistent vegetative state and the court found as such, ... There are no treatments or therapies that can help her and the judge's ruling supports that position.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Terri is in a persistent vegetative state and the court found as such, ... There are no treatments or therapies that can help her and the judge's ruling supports that position.

George Felos

Terri was almost a week into her death process, ... The doctors have said that introducing hydration and nutrition artificially, she may have already suffered massive organ failure and kidney damage. What this may have done is just prolonged her death process.

George Felos

It was a very emotional moment for many of us there.

George Felos

Mr. Schiavo's overriding concern was Mrs. Schiavo has a right and had a right to die with dignity and die in peace. She had a right to have her last and final moments on this Earth be experienced by a spirit of love and not of acrimony.

George Felos

Very calm and peaceful.

George Felos