22 quotes about terri follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Terri is in a persistent vegetative state and the court found as such, ... There are no treatments or therapies that can help her and the judge's ruling supports that position.

George Felos

Viewing all the evidence as a whole and acknowledging that medicine is not a precise science, the court finds that the credible evidence overwhelmingly supports the view that [Terri] Schiavo remains in a persistent vegetative state.

George Greer

Terri was almost a week into her death process, ... The doctors have said that introducing hydration and nutrition artificially, she may have already suffered massive organ failure and kidney damage. What this may have done is just prolonged her death process.

George Felos

All we're trying to do is get her a fair trial, and we plead with the House to pass this bill to give Terri a chance.

Bob Schindler

I spoke with Terri -- she focused on my face, she responded. She's weak, but she's also at the same time, got that incredible survival instinct.

Patricia Anderson

I didn't want the animosity. I'm sure Terri would want the families to get along and be happy. But it didn't happen.

Michael Schiavo

I was condemned by the President, the majority leaders of the House and Senate, the governor of Florida, the Pope, and the right-wing media, all because I was doing what Terri - the woman I loved - wanted.

Michael Schiavo

It's incredible to see how [Terri] is acting.

Bob Schindler

I mean, look at the way Morales refers to killing my sister in his clemency letter to the governor. He doesn't ever say he killed Terri -- he says, 'I've been found guilty.' That doesn't sound like he's really owning up to it.

Brian Chalk

I thought after this that I might meet Terri, but I never dreamed all this could happen.

Stephanie Dietrich

How can these people be so inhumane? Terri is forgotten and lies cold in her grave, and they feel sympathy Morales. What about my daughter, who was there to defend her?

Barbara Christian

Terri, we love you dearly, but we know that God loves you more than we do. We must accept your untimely death as God's will.

Bobby Schindler

If the Florida courts had found in favor of Terri Schiavo's parents, would we be here this evening? I suspect not.

Robert Wexler

What happened here was Terri was killed.

Frank Pavone

Terri is a convincing proponent of the connection between our quality of life and the economic health of Dane County.

Jim Welsh

Terri had everything going for her. She was my mom's best friend. Every girl wanted to be her, and if they were boys they wanted to be near her.

Brian Chalk

Don't let anybody tell you that Terri did not know who was in that room.

Mary Schindler

Winged women on wheels. Terri has a much better record than I do. When I see her on the track ahead of me, we aren't going to crash each other, we'll help each other. But if she bumps me on the track, she's gone.

Dave Popielarz

We really haven't been without Terri. Terri is a part of me and my life, and she always will be. I don't feel like I've ever been without her.

Suzanne Vitadamo

This is not only a death, with all the sadness that brings, this is a killing. For that, we not only grieve that Terri has passed, but we grieve that our nation has allowed such an atrocity as this, and we pray that it will never happen again.

Terri Schiavo

[Bush] has put Terri through a week of hell and our family through a week of hell by not acting. He has to come up to the plate.

Bob Schindler

We lost in our battle to save Terri, but we believe it is incumbent on us to redirect our efforts to saving the lives of the innocent, who every day are being targeted by the euthanasia cult.

Mary Schindler