My latest comedy, Bellwether, let me go after everything that bugs me: meetings, Barbie, trendy coffeehouses, those incompetent clerks who refuse to get off the phone to talk to you, and bread pudding. -Connie Willis


My latest comedy, Bellwether, let me go after everything that bugs me: meetings, Barbie, trendy coffeehouses, those incompetent clerks who refuse to get off the phone to talk to you, and bread pudding.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Connie Willis quotes in our collection. Connie Willis is known for saying 'My latest comedy, Bellwether, let me go after everything that bugs me: meetings, Barbie, trendy coffeehouses, those incompetent clerks who refuse to get off the phone to talk to you, and bread pudding.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Fred Astaire is my hero. I love him because he was willing to kill himself to make his art look effortless. And because he proved it's possible to be an artist and a good person.

Connie Willis

Writers are too neurotic to ever be happy.

Connie Willis

I have never written anything in one draft, not even a grocery list, although I have heard from friends that this is actually possible.

Connie Willis

I hate sequels. They're never as good as the first book.

Connie Willis

1. Optimize potential. 2. Facilitate empowerment. 3. Implement visioning. 4. Strategize priorities. 5. Augment core structures.

Connie Willis