It's become a lot more than a Web site, ... It's become a lifestyle brand. It makes a lot of sense to come up with a record label. -Chris Dewolfe


It's become a lot more than a Web site, ... It's become a lifestyle brand. It makes a lot of sense to come up with a record label.


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This quote is just one of 6 total Chris Dewolfe quotes in our collection. Chris Dewolfe is known for saying 'It's become a lot more than a Web site, ... It's become a lifestyle brand. It makes a lot of sense to come up with a record label.' as well as some of the following quotes.

If people watching videos in a social environment see something they like, they tell their friends, and it spreads virally, ... Word of mouth is much more valuable than advertising.

Chris Dewolfe

If you go to the mall and start talking to strange people, bad things can happen. You've got to take the same precautions on the Internet.

Chris Dewolfe

We really wanted to create the next generation's portal around people's lives, ... It's been baked into our users' routines. They use it as a mechanism to stay in touch with their friends and plan their social lives.

Chris Dewolfe

We're trying the same thing for filmmakers - a platform for our users to express themselves creatively.

Chris Dewolfe