Are just trying to stay in business. -Clarence Williams


Are just trying to stay in business.


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This quote is just one of 5 total Clarence Williams quotes in our collection. Clarence Williams is known for saying 'Are just trying to stay in business.' as well as some of the following quotes.

I want them to continue to work hard and also be held more accountable for their actions. The training may be a little more intense but we want to focus on the quality of our workouts, not necessarily quantity.

Clarence Williams

Like many excellent runners, Sadat had his dreams of becoming a sprinter, but soon learned he needed a little distance to do his best. He was already a middle distance runner when he came to us.

Clarence Williams

The local businesses are going to be forced out, ... They can't afford the renovations. They won't be able to compete with Starbucks.

Clarence Williams

Are just trying to stay in business.

Clarence Williams