Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to. -Alfred A. Montapert


Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.


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This quote is just one of 8 total Alfred A. Montapert quotes in our collection. Alfred A. Montapert is known for saying 'Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.' as well as some of the following quotes.

All lasting business is built on friendship.

Alfred A. Montapert

The main source of our wealth is goodness. The affections and the generous qualities that God admires in a world full of greed.

Alfred A. Montapert

Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.

Alfred A. Montapert

The majority see the obstacles; the few see the objectives; history records the successes of the latter, while oblivion is the reward of the former.

Alfred A. Montapert

Before every action ask yourself. Will this bring more monkeys on my back. Will the result of my action be a blessing or a heavy burden?

Alfred A. Montapert