16 quotes about yemen follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A five-member family has gone missing in Yemen.

Martin Jaeger

Although my center is new, we receive a lot of children daily. Some mothers told me their children never had seen sunlight until they brought them to this center. That proved that we need such centers in Yemen to help these children.

Arwa Thabet

The true numbers can only be guessed at. Thousands of Somalis arrive in Yemen every year, including an estimated average of 100 people per day during the annual September to March period of good sailing weather. Last September, UNHCR called for international action to stem the flow of desperate people across the Gulf of Aden after at least 150 people died in a three-week period.

William Spindler

Yemen, a risky country? That's not true.

Maura Tonetto

We had a case confirmed yesterday which reaffirms there has been regular exposure of Somalia to the virus, probably from Yemen.

Bruce Aylward

Our growth is coming from the North Sea, and in Western Canada and the Gulf of Mexico and West Africa. We don't have that next major growth piece identified in Yemen at this point in time.

Kevin Finn

To actually say that just because a hijacker or two came from the UAE doesn't really cut it. Yeah, sure, but they could have come from any place and they did come from any place. Does that mean that we shouldn't do any business anymore with Egypt? We should cut Egypt off? We should cut Yemen off?

Conrad Raabe

Despite everything, I love Yemen.

Juergen Chrobog

But one thing is certain is that regardless of the explanations of the incident, it will have sequels and consequences that should be taken seriously inside and outside Yemen.

Mounir Mawri

Yemen has a great history of a civil war between the north and the south. The country was only recently reunited, back in 1990. You have about 16 to 17 million people; you have about 50 million guns. It's basically a country that is pretty trigger happy. It's very generous, very hospitable to foreigners, but on the other hand, there's always that element of risk.

John Andrews

Yemen [has so far] spent 8 billion riyals [US $44 million] to purchase weapons from the tribesmen. We need to control the situation.

Abu Bakr

Since 2004, Y.E.P.C. has invested millions of dollars at the direction of the Yemeni government. Up until Nov. 15, we fully expected that they would honor the contract. The government of Yemen had no right to take over this operation, and although we did not want to file an arbitration, they gave us no choice.

Michael Goldberg

Does Syria not care that young guys from Yemen or Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or Iran come into Damascus airport with a one-way ticket and no job and no place to stay and then find their way into Iraq where they strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up and kill children in a market? Women and children in front of a market?

Adam Ereli

Their escape cannot be considered an internal problem for Yemen alone.

Ronald Noble

Once again, people are dying trying to reach Yemen aboard smuggler's boats crossing the Gulf of Aden from Somalia.

William Spindler

General tension in the region and the feeling that there was a requirement or a need for a new review of the security situation in general in Yemen.

Edward Walker