6 quotes about westerners follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Ultimately, there is no compromise. Westerners will either retain their civilization, including the right to insult and blaspheme, or not.

Daniel Pipes

The Israelis and some Westerners are trying to delete Arafat from our memory, but he will remain alive in our hearts.

Ahmed Tibi

The crowds surrounded us they became very agitated that two westerners were beating up an Afghan.

Tim Sellers

Freedom of expression has always been a pretext for Westerners ... to insult the beliefs of Muslims.

Farid Mortazavi

We are just screaming and shouting, and nobody knows the story. People think we are occupying Israel. We need to address Westerners differently. We need to talk their language.

Nashat Aqtash

Tanner got routinely left out of surveys of American art. It was really in the 1980s that people realized that you really needed to be paying attention to more than the usual artists we all grew up on. There was a whole other layer ... either because they didn't work in New York, they weren't close friends with the major critics, or they were artists of color or women or Southerners or Westerners.

Eleanor Harvey