12 quotes about unusable follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This high level waste is still very radioactive, but there is no fissile material and when it has been vitrified it is unusable for anything.

Graham Fairhall

It is a touchy subject. But in any industry there is a surplus of unusable goods. What do you do with them?

Buster Brown

If the Poe Lock were ever rendered unusable due to a terrorist attack or natural disaster, it would halt commerce on the Great Lakes and these industries would be helpless.

Bart Stupak

The issues today remain unchanged. Two years on, Microsoft's technical documentation remains incomplete, inaccurate and unusable.

Simon Awde

This would allow the system to continue functioning in the event of water damage, power failure, fire or other disaster rendering either computer room unusable. Any major component can fail without causing an interruption in service.

Mark Dumic

The most frustrating part is when they tell you a field is unusable when you think it's not.

Michelle Guardado

The (old) facilities are unusable for health care purposes, ... That doesn't mean the public hospital system is down and out.

Donald R. Smithburg

Anything over two unlicensed vehicles, unusable machinery parts or scrap metal is considered a junkyard in an agricultural zone.

Wayne Sorensen

But every stone was catalogued, measured, precisely described, and numbered. We had to understand where the unusable ones belonged in order to cut new sandstone to fit exactly with the old.

Ulrich R. Schoenfeld

I am very, very cautious when to comes to energy exploration because I have seen in the past where it has ruined areas or made them unusable to recreation, so I'm concerned about drilling but not totally opposed either.

Adam Shaffer

To me, the building is almost. It's almost unusable. We're probably going to have to go back and rebuild.

Don Carmichael

Chimney fires are very dangerous, and more times than not can make chimneys unusable.

John Mickel