4 quotes about unflinching follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I may really say that for a quarter of a century I have kept before me one unflinching aim - to register my own times in terms of my own time, and still more to urge those who are better poets and better prose-writers than myself to have the same aim.

Ford Madox Ford

Bert and his wife, Iris, have been extraordinarily committed to the development of soccer at all levels in northeast Ohio, and his passion for the game, his unflinching dedication to community service and his pursuit of excellence in all his endeavors both professionally and personally will never be forgotten.

Don Garber

The pay-for-use model is an innovation, but there is a very unflinching standardization.

Frank Gillett

Keen judgment in setting the bar at a very high, but attainable, level; balance and unflinching boldness in the face of great pressure; and stress-leavening presidential humor.

Stephen Friedman