We're all a big fan of hers. We're looking for icons.

No, that's not one of the topics we're looking at.

The lure is that for a variety of reasons in politics, unless they are very principled politicians, it is always better to be with the winners.

The ANC will obviously be the biggest winner in this situation ... what this does is it plays havoc with the smaller parties.

Just a few years after he would have graduated, Kanye West is at the epicenter of new music, at the top of his game as an artist and producer, ... Who better than Kanye to inspire and educate the next generation of student talent.

College students are prophesying the future of music today. With our first ever live Woodie Awards event, the music they live their lives to takes centre stage, and the rest of the world gets to see what's about to break big.

I'm not sure this does terribly much except discredit the politicians in the eyes of the voting public. It has created a great deal of public fuss, but at the end of the day not much has really changed.

We're in a society where an awful lot of the institutions we have were built for a different era, an era where we had 16 workers for every retiree.

Keen judgment in setting the bar at a very high, but attainable, level; balance and unflinching boldness in the face of great pressure; and stress-leavening presidential humor.