15 quotes about understaffed follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Are there things we need to work on? You bet. We are understaffed here, to be honest. Some classes are larger than we want and we need to work on that.

Thomas Lee

I agree with Nino that the PSC is understaffed but the fact is people are using more power and the lines need to go somewhere.

Charlie Higley

[Officials insist the problem was resources.] The old Harding was understaffed, under-equipped and underfunded, ... We've never had the chance to succeed before.

Sean Sweeney

Airlines are constantly making work more stressful for the flight attendant with increased duty time, inadequate rest periods, and understaffed flights.

Corey Caldwell

It looks insurmountable but I think we have a great team. I can't say that there's been any issue we've dropped because we've been understaffed.

Vicki Flotta

In effect, it's an empty promise, ... The [FDA's] drug advertising division has been drastically understaffed for decades, and there's no reason to believe that will change anytime soon.

Peter Lurie

The San Diego Police Department is one of the most understaffed in the country, ... This foundation is working hard to get officers the equipment they need to provide service.

William Lansdowne

They're constantly working understaffed. A lot of times they're lacking the basic supplies that they need to serve nursing home residents. A lot of people suffer with back problems from lifting residents.

Jennifer Farmer

A major obstacle the carrier must overcome is recruiting and retaining qualified employees. United is understaffed at many locations, and its reputation as an employer who breaks promises, eliminates benefits, forces confrontations and destroys pensions does little to help recruitment.

Randy Canale

I think they really wanted to help us, ... But they're overwhelmed and understaffed.

Richard Skinner

You've got to give them more attention. It's putting a strain on my deputies. We're understaffed anyway. You've got to get them doctors, and meet their medical needs.

Roger Webb

We are already at or near the bottom nationally in the number of doctors, particularly specialists, statewide. Just the rate of growth and size of the (Las Vegas) community have made this a critical situation to the point where hospitals are routinely understaffed throughout the valley.

Larry Matheis

The NPA is very understaffed and many of their posts are vacant. And that is a problem because we would hate to see their resources stretched. If the government intends on pursuing this policy then obviously resources must be made available, extra staff recruited and an extra budget be allocated for this purpose.

Sheila Camerer

I think they really wanted to help us. But they're overwhelmed and understaffed.

Lisa Skinner

The dam safety division has been under-funded and understaffed recently.

Lee Wooten