3 quotes about transpose follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Every letter has its own peculiar air, which air is very much hurt if the tune is not rightly pitched; for instance, if a tune is set on A natural, and in pitching the tune, you set it a tone too low, you transpose the key into G, which is perhaps quite different from the intention of the author, and oftentimes very destructive to the harmony.

William Billings

We tried to take the Paris heat wave in 2003 and transpose it onto the climate of five different cities.

Laurence Kalkstein

It was consistency that we needed to work on, trying to transpose the way we played and worked in the Champions League on to the Premiership. As new players, what we've learnt in the Premier League is starting to bear fruit. We have closed the gap a little bit [to Chelsea] and we are stronger than we were. If we work hard, I believe we can make a small piece of history with Liverpool.

Luis Garcia