20 quotes about trader follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's alarming that a hedge-fund fraud of this magnitude could go on for so long. Most schemes like this finally blow up when the trader runs out of money.

Ross B. Intelisano

We have people who come from all over the state and have something going on in the area. Over the time we've been (at Oregon Trader), we've built up kind of a following both with musicians who play and regulars. A lot of these songs are our standard stuff. When we start doing those, people start to sing, and it's fun.

John Donoghue

He brings energy and excitement to investing by injecting the fast-money trader mentality into the buy-and-hold investor. You have to filter out some of the histrionics, but if you listen carefully, his message is to do your homework.

Scott Rothbort

The documents he signed indicated that he understood the potential risks and rewards of day trading. He was an experienced trader.

James Lee

From the board, we found out a bunch of us were all going to be in Atlanta on one particular weekend in July. So, we decided we'd all get together at Trader Vic's. I'd done some band promotions in the past and got the idea that maybe we should do something bigger.

Christie White

For the day trader, quotes mean everything. As for institutional investors, the quote is a starting point and they're going to search for depth and liquidity.

Robert Murphy

What matters is, number one, establishing a goal, number two, establishing a strategy that helps you reach those goals, and, number three, not changing that strategy based on the noise going on in the market, which is best left to the short-term trader.

Roy Diliberto

I remember pubs in Ireland, and it's kind of loud in there. Music sessions are without amplifier, etc., unlike a lot of taverns and bars in the United States. It is loud with people talking to each other. What's neat about (Oregon Trader) is it isn't overbearing, and people can sit and yak with each other.

John Donoghue

[For example, as a stock trader,] you're only allowed access to research if you have $100,000 in your account, ... If you start with this mechanism of business processes, entitlement and privileges, and those get implemented by security rules, you're golden because you don't have a separate business and security policy rule set.

John Pescatore

This man was accustomed to significant swings. He'd make big, he'd lose big. He was an active, aggressive trader.

Harvey Houtkin

There's been a lot of fund and local trader selling here after we hit $69 ... there's major profit-taking from the big funds and locals.

Scott Meyers

About 75 percent of the items on the menu are Trader Vic's classics, developed by Vic himself. We know they are good because people always ask for them.

Michael Weeks

No one wanted to be an energy trader 20 years ago -- it was the least sexy thing in the world. Fast forward to today: Investors are lining up at the door. (But) if you're going to invest in energy, you'd better be comfortable with volatility.

John D'agostino

Timing the Trade is a practical how-to trading manual written by an experienced trader. It's a book that can be understood by beginners and appreciated by market veterans.

John Murphy

We're looking for things like a Trader Joe's, coffee shops that type of thing. Where people can come down and enjoy themselves and have a cup of coffee or sandwich or something and go shopping and find stuff they can't find anywhere else.

Mark Gran

The idea of a grocery store for all people in a major area hasn't made sense in years. The volume is going to alternative formats. When you look at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's and even Smart & Final, each one of them attracts a different consumer. Why do we need an Albertsons?

Frank Dell

The Shuttles were nice when we fist made them in 1981, but really they are now 25 years old. ... Who out there is driving 25 year old cars? These babies are classics with 100 millions miles on them. Its time to send The Shuttles to museums were they belong. I'm just glad the folks at Shuttle Trader Magazine are there to help NASA unload these turkeys.

Gregg Easterbrook

It's a well-run firm. It's a good-sized commodities trader, although they now seem to be operating more like a hedge fund.

Daniel Collins

Stand at Cumberland Gap and watch the procession of civilization, marching single file - the buffalo following the trail to the salt springs, the Indian, the fur-trader and hunter, the cattle-raiser, the pioneer farmer - and the frontier has passed by. Stand at South Pass in the Rockies a century later and see the same procession with wider intervals between.

Frederick Jackson Turner

Good day traders don't have big swings or big losing days. A really good day trader is very conservative and picks his spots closely.

Edward Franco