That's when Buddy left. He wasn't afraid to be critical. But he liked to boost artists he thought were worthy, who weren't getting as much acclaim as they should.

It probably is one of the worst professional experiences I've had -- without a doubt.

I think the market is in a sense trading in conflict with the fundamentals. We obviously have a ton of gas in the ground, which everyone is well aware of. That fact has already been priced into the market.

No one wanted to be an energy trader 20 years ago -- it was the least sexy thing in the world. Fast forward to today: Investors are lining up at the door. (But) if you're going to invest in energy, you'd better be comfortable with volatility.

As a writer, Buddy had really established himself as a unique voice, especially on the local scene. He leaves a void I can't imagine anyone filling very easily in either camp, as a musician or a writer.