She wasn't very relaxed during the early part of the race, she was too aggressive, but thankfully she didn't have to go head to head for the lead and she was very game through the lane. She's run well in every start except the last one; that race was terrible, but she hated the slop and I knew she'd rebound today.

Eddie Kenneally

My wife is now dead due to listening to UCI misrepresentations. They just kept us in the dark, and that is terrible.

Fred Bell

Yasser Arafat left a terrible legacy of violence behind him where people are always acting outside the law. Now, with him gone, everyone is fighting for his power.

Eyad Sarraj

It would effect a terrible blow to General Motors' very strong efforts to restore its financial well-being.

Eugene Driker

We had spurts where we played some pretty good basketball. But we had spurts where we were terrible.

Evan Lindahl

We've really come off a week or so of terrible performance in the Nasdaq. It's just really grasping at any hint of positive news to find a little bit of a rally.

Eric Rothdeutsch

What you saw tonight was the results of trying to press for three straight days. Our shooting was terrible and we couldn't buy a bucket. That's one of the disadvantages of playing back-to-back-to-back. We got a little tired and we lost our legs.

Eric Long

The donations to hurricane relief reflect our desire to reach out to the victims of this terrible disaster.

Erin Hoeflinger

The great and terrible step was taken. What else could you expect from a girl so expectant? 'Sex,' said Frank Harris, 'is the gateway to life.' So I went through the gateway in an upper room in the Cafe Royal.

Enid Bagnold

One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines.

Emile Zola

There's no way he's supposed to even catch the ball, dribble it, spin and shoot a shot and make a shot. It's just terrible defense on our part. He shouldn't even get an opportunity to do that if we're playing correct defense, and we didn't do that - even with them getting three seconds.

Elliot Washington

I thought what a terrible thing I had done; not the political aspect of it because maybe that was correct but it didn't matter now. Correct or not, all that mattered was the human side of things. I felt no political cause was worth hurting another human being for.

Elia Kazan

Whether he was Ivan the Terrible or some other terrible person, is really irrelevant. The facts are clear and, at last, we have achieved some justice.

Elan Steinberg

Resorting to violence is a terrible, terrible thing to do, ... you have to be aware of what you're dealing with and follow your soul.

Elizabeth Morgan

It's better than a factory with its terrible emissions. This would be a boon to the area.

Elaine Boissevain

Matters have got to a terrible state in a very quick time.

Edwin Lau