Courts in Florida have received expert testimony from prominent neurosurgeons and neurologists throughout the country, ... The evidence provided by a standard of clear and convincing evidence is that it is Mrs. Schiavo's wish that she not be allowed to continue in a persistent vegetative state.

If the Florida courts had found in favor of Terri Schiavo's parents, would we be here this evening? I suspect not.

The U.S. Supreme Court, with the help of the Republican Party, ran out the clock. But they didn't run out the clock on Democrats, they ran out the clock on democracy.

I think the Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic church have done a lot to change people's interest in Judaism. They're hearing from churches that it's a way to enhance their own faith.

Hundreds of people made phone calls to my offices and to other offices in the county complaining they didn't understand the ballot -- that Al Gore's name was second on the ballot but his punch hole was third, which is entirely illegal under election law in Florida and it made it a puzzle rather than a ballot.

That's really what helped persuade me that I really have no business in a race like that. I have friends on all sides.

This round of evidence will show to the American people the manipulative nature of Ken Starr, of Linda Tripp.

To vote only for one (1) presidential candidate and that they are to punch a hole next to the arrow next to the number next to the candidate they wish to vote for.

If this bill passes, this Congress is saying that the court system of Florida will lose its long jurisdiction of history in this matter and others like it, and the jurisdiction of the federal court will be substituted.