33 quotes about tease follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

When he was a younger man, Jimmy used to go in for a few beers. He used to tease me because I never drank anything but Coke.

John Turner

There are many factors involved in disease progression, and the type of virus is one of them. Our work may help us tease out what about this particular virus causes disease progression, and that may help us figure out how to stop it, either by preventing the spread, or blocking the mechanism to keep it from being so pathogenic.

Oliver Laeyendecker

This is a Beijing strip-tease. They should have explained this all in May.

Henry Ho

The studio just wanted us to throw in something as a tease. I didn't object.

David Zucker

We've known that condos were coming to Orlando. There has been a tease for a long time.

Joe Lopez

There is some feeling that the small separation between add and drop deadlines is not very helpful. [Students] can't petition [or] find faculty over the weekend. It could be that we [will] have the drop deadline and add deadline all on Friday or Sunday. That way we won't tease students.

Donald Blake

She's got a boyfriend finally and we tease her about that. She's just fun to be around. The whole team travels a lot and we have a good time.

Larry Finnicum

Middle school is like Lord of Flies. Bullying is not just picking on each other -- good friends can tease which is not done in a mean spirited way. But the ramification of bullying is profound and can result in depression and low self esteem.

Kathleen Brehony Ph

It was kind of a tease. We just started out great. ... Now I've got those [early-season] jitters all over again.

Meghan Steiner

I think the main problem with the previous studies is that they couldn't really tease apart the effect of infection and the intrinsic differences in attractiveness among people.

Jacob Koella

The same thing is happening on the barrier islands, like Longboat Key and Anna Maria, when you have a red tide in the area, ... But the data is not at a fine enough resolution to tease out the economic impact.

Chuck Adams

There can be some talking. During the play, we don't let up, but after it's fun to tease or give a high-five. It's not very dirty. We're just all out there playing. There's not that much bad blood between anybody this year.

Alex Linnenkohl

We always tease him about it. We called Jon 'Red' and we call him 'Little Red.' He pitches just like (Walker), so hopefully he'll get to that point where John was.

Reggie Keen

To be a teacher was to be a student anew, to relive the intoxication of insight, and to be a prophet, to sketch the world down to its very foundation — not simply to tease sight from blindness, but to demand that another see.

R. Scott Bakker

It's a nice change, but it's almost like a tease, too, because we know it's not going to last.

Suzanne Johnson

We have a good blend. We are seeing a lot of the senior people from the area. And for many of them, is it not only a fitness and workout, but also a social time. They motivate each other and they tease each other. They have fun.

Debbie King

I tease them about geezer rock and now they're seeing it themselves.

Richard Tucker

I see them on the street, I talk to them, I tease them.

Bill Plum

It just happens sometimes I guess. Guys kinda tease me on the team that I make the hard play look pretty easy and easy play sometimes seem more difficult.

Jason Donald

He's skinny like Sammy Davis Jr.. He has a mustache like Sammy Davis Jr. I tease him with that.

Marco Killingsworth

Little boys tease little girls when they're 8, and women still love it when they're 28 and 48.

David Deangelo

Generally, we wouldn't want to make any statements based on one round of sampling. If there's much mixing going on, it could be difficult or impossible to tease apart the different sources.

Laura Alvey

You have to be able to tease those details out.

Clayton Wilcox

He used to tease us a lot.

Pat Herrity

It's a big-time tease. It's like licking your chops at the dinner table and not being able to eat. ... We've been like a traveling circus. But it's been a lot of fun.

Jeff Tisdel

My kids used to tease me and say the neighbor kids probably called me 'the crazy gourd lady' because of the gourds taking over the place. It really was a funny sight.

Lin Dutton

He would look them up all the time on the Internet. When he came out of his shell, he would like to tease and have fun.

Walter Wood

It's a way for us to begin to tease out the way these diseases develop.

Fred Gage

I've come to expect it. It's a big tease.

Dan Greene

I tease her all the time because she'll need to take an afternoon off here and there to sing at someone's funeral. I told her when I die, she better sing at mine. She's really good - she'll move you to tears.

Cheryl Anderson

Doug was always so knowledgeable about that stuff. Our wives used to tease us because we'd go out to dinner and talk about Sunday school.

Dave Knowlton

It's very difficult to tease out the difference between purely physical illnesses and psychological illnesses that manifest themselves in real physical symptoms.

Adewale Troutman

He is a great man. There is nothing I could say to tease him.

Clarence Thomas