13 quotes about symphonies follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We've been performing with symphonies all of our career and it sounds so wonderful when they play 'My Girl' with the large string section, I want to turn around and look.

Otis Williams

Little symphonies for the kids.

Phil Spector

Mozart's symphonies are quite special. One of our landmarks is our recording of all of his symphonies, which means that we've recorded not 41, but 68 symphonies. Many people are unaware that there are many unnumbered symphonies.

Christopher Lawrence

Not all symphonies do that.

Noralee Monestere

We're all just amazed, ... that the Seattle Symphony people have stepped forward on our behalf like this. But I know that people in the LPO would have done the same thing for them. It's a small world — symphonies are like families, so we're all sort of related.

Greg Miller

If some of our works are symphonies, then wrapped walkways was chamber music.

Christopher Lasch

Port Symphonies is more of a composing project rather than a conducting project. The score is written in time, in seconds. The notes translate to ship horn on, then ship horn off.

Diane Labrosse

This is what I want in heaven... words to become notes and conversations to be symphonies.

Tina Turner

We're going to have our parades, we're going to have our symphonies, our concerts and everyone's going to have good time.

Oscar Goodman

In the torment of the insufficiency of everything attainable we eventually learn that here, in this life, all symphonies remain unfinished.

Karl Rahner

These are artistic professionals who have spent a great deal of time and money learning their art. Unfortunately, they often need to perform for several symphonies and opera houses at a time.

Noralee Monestere

Perhaps we will learn how small differences in the code of life enabled us -- but not chimpanzees -- to cook soufflés, create symphonies, translate our own voyages into maps, build ever more complicated artifacts, and write plays that reflect the social intricacies of our lives.

Marc Hauser

So long as we refuse to include lottery tickets among the symphonies, or medical bulletins among the overtures, we must refrain from treating the emotions as an aesthetic monopoly of music in general or a certain piece of music in particular.

Eduard Hanslick