8 quotes about sweatshirt follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We try to treat the kids like pros with free food catered during our tournaments, a gift bag with a sweatshirt or jacket and (provide) ball boys and girls for the finals with a PA system so the chair umpire can call score on center court.

Ryan Wolfington

We're finding that many people are simply turning the thermostat back a few degrees and putting on a few extra layers of clothing such as a warm sweatshirt or flannel nightwear or even keeping warm with a quilt or throw or fuzzy slippers.

Karen Burk

We're not sure if [slow sweatshirt sales] are due to cost or the warm weather.

Amy Currier

That's when he lifted up his sweatshirt and we saw his gun.

Alicia Mccaslin

I saw the big guy in the blue sweatshirt just standing out front. They told him to drop the gun. They told us to stay down. It was scary. I thought there was going to be open fire. I just stayed there, just didn't move.

Jason Isaacs

I think what it makes sense for political people to do is not to get on the stage, not issue press releases ... and not exploit it for political purposes, [but] simply put on a pair of blue jeans and a sweatshirt and go and be part of the crowd.

Promise Keepers

Of course, they're spending the money to get more people in the gate, but, more importantly, they want to keep them in the gate longer. If you lengthen the experience, you extend the chance for an extra meal or a sweatshirt.

Jerry Aldrich

He'll have to wear a North Carolina sweatshirt with a Duke shirt underneath it.

Wayne Ellington