6 quotes about surfs follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

[Kelly Slater, for one, said Mar Ohno shouldn't be underestimated:] He has the wildcard again and can be dangerous if he loosens up and just surfs, ... It'll be interesting to see if he gets on a roll and gives a real run like he did against Andy Irons in Niijima two years ago.

Kelly Slater

Everyone thought Windows millennium would be the driver and it just hasn't happened. There is no reason on corporate side to go out and do upgrades and there is no reason at home to dress up or replace a computer that surfs the 'Net just fine the way it is.

Tim Mahon

Everyone else but me surfs. I grew up skateboarding, but I don't even do that anymore. I'll get hurt and die. But if I die, I'll sell more records. We're thinking of doing that. Actually dying.

Tom Delonge

Taxes (aren't) the only way to bring new revenue in, ... We need to see what we can do with Surf's Up.

Scott Hall

Are you kidding me? He surfs like he just turned 20.

Alex Gray

I look at him as a surfing mentor. He put a lot of time into the young kids. He's one of the most surf-stoked guys I know. When surf's there, he's there. For me, the ultimate dream is to be a surfer for eternity, and he's on that path.

Alex Gray