7 quotes about surfboard follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

From thickness to rail size, making a surfboard is truly an art. A good shaper tries to tailor a board like you would a suit.

Barry Barrett

The foundation of the surfboard industry.

Mike Woo

I'm talking to you right now, looking out at the ocean, it's a sunny day, waves are peeling off, my surfboard is in the back of my car... damn, I love it. I'm a songwriter. Pop singer. What a great job.

Chris Isaak

You are starting to see well-known surfboard companies making snowboards now.

Bruce Condon

I found out that it's supposed to be for my surfboard. It was really only after the fact, when I started doing a little reading on the car, that I found out I wasn't supposed to be the one driving it.

Jim Tudor

When you got in a scene with Don, it was like stepping up onto a surfboard, and you just flew through those waves. It was exhilarating.

Don Adams

We've been locally manufacturing EPS products for more than 40 years. When Clark Foam closed, surfboard makers had to find other foam alternatives.

Mike Bilby