29 quotes about supplements follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

They're going to need supplements to keep up with the other (calves).

Jim Rohe

Keep in mind that fortified foods should be treated like supplements — only to help you meet nutrient needs you cannot otherwise meet— not replace the goal of a balanced, plant-based diet.

Karen Collins

I tried to order some [contamination-free supplements] but didn't receive any and I haven't got any yet.

Greg Rusedski

He was barely minimum weight. He used to drink supplements and eat seconds on everything.

Paul Hutchison

With the widespread marketing of calcium and vitamin D, many women believe that they are completely protected against the development of osteoporosis if they are taking these supplements.

Joel Finkelstein

There's only so much you can do. She's taking some supplements to try to gain some weight, but I think her body type is what it is.

Kelly Curry

At this point, women should not be taking high-dose soy supplements, especially those who are breast cancer survivors and women at increased risk for the disease. We don't have long-term data on the effects of these supplements, and there is some evidence that they could be harmful.

Bruce Trock

People need someone qualified to help them manage what supplements they take.

Dean Neary

Passing a drug test is very easy. All you have to do is not use drugs or dietary supplements.

Frank Uryasz

The best five sources of calcium are food, food, food, fortified food and supplements. In that order, ... I strongly recommend getting much of your calcium through food since these foods contain other nutrients the body needs. A body with a low calcium intake is a body that's low on other nutrients, as well.

Robert Heaney

U.S.A.D.A. is pleased there are companies interested in showing they are producing clean supplements, ... But our policy remains that athletes are responsible for what they put in their bodies.

Terry Madden

I've seen people well into their 60s and 70s build bone density and slow down bone loss. It takes an active lifestyle and healthy diet, and usually some supplements. Strengthening the bones is good for more than just the bones. It benefits the whole body.

Miriam Nelson

There are no over the counter medications, dietary supplements or such that will help you lose weight and be safe.

Ralph Rodriguez

Most of the cases are people who were using either GHB recreationally or they were people who were using dietary supplements with compounds related to GHB.

Deborah Zvosec

But Weil is hardly an objective expert on supplements. The more supplements Weil can persuade consumers to buy, the more he benefits. Consumers should bear that in mind when they listen to his advice.

David Schardt

What this and other studies like it are showing is that the protection we get from proper diet or supplements often comes from combinations of nutrients working together. This has implications not only for smokers but also for many other people.

Maret Traber

He made his own bed and now he has to lie in it. If he says he had tainted supplements, that's fine for him to claim. But at some point somebody has to come up positive and not have taken supplements.

David Newhan

Although there is a definite relationship between lung function and vitamin D, it is unclear if increases in vitamin D through supplements or dietary intake will actually improve lung function in patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

Peter Black

We are seeing increased steroid use in high school athletes. I believe it starts with dietary supplements among young people and then leads to anabolic steroid use and other performance-enhancing drug use.

Frank Uryasz

When kids are going to gyms and working with personal trainers, you just don't know what they are feeding the kids. It's a scary thing because no one is real sure about what the effects of all these supplements are.

Frank Lenti

It is crucial that we have a full understanding of these dietary supplements, ... By increasing our breadth of knowledge about these supplements, we can give consumers the information they need to make informed decisions about these products.

Tommy Thompson

The study's findings of slowed bone loss and the reduction in hip fractures for some groups suggest a role for these supplements in preventing hip fracture in generally healthy postmenopausal women and support the current Surgeon General's recommendations for these nutrients.

Joan Mcgowan

I wanted to do one on herbs and supplements and homeopathy. One student had approached me about that.

Katie Gates

It's actually more lead than we've ever seen in supplements. We don't know if the levels in these products is enough to cause injury or symptoms in adults. It's just something you want to avoid.

Dr. Tod Cooperman

Millions of Americans take vitamins safely every day, including me. Vitamins and mineral supplements taken in recommended doses are safe. It's the designer supplements that are worrisome.

Dick Durbin

It's sort of back to the future. Two hundred years ago we only used herbs and supplements, then along came prescription medications and we stopped using as many home remedies. And now that we are more aware that not all drugs are miracle drugs, and many drugs have side effects, we're back to using more home remedies. But doctors are slower to start using them again than parents are.

Dr. Kathi Kemper

My question is, what is placebo? We hear the word and think it means 'fake.' Well, the placebo effect works. The more I think about supplements, the more I think it is in part about me supporting the patient.

Dean Neary

Either Larry King has a knack for picking weak products to pitch, or manufacturers seek him out to lend credibility to supplements that could use some.

David Schardt

There are supplements that have been shown to have significant health benefits. We empower consumers with the knowledge they need to find and choose supplements that are safe and appropriate for their needs.

Edward King