3 quotes about summation follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This investigation was conducted on inaccurate information. All the witnesses were obtained after [the Inc. offices were] searched. The government was on a mission to make this case they started and flubbed — to rescue this failed investigation that started with false statements. You will hear me use [the word speculation] over and over again in my summation.

Gerald Shargel

I have a witness, ... I call a witness to bolster my part of this summation. The witness is the American people. Do they believe that the president committed falsehoods under oath? Eighty percent of the American people -- I call them to my side here at the podium to verify to you that the president committed falsehoods under oath.

George Gekas

The mayor kept sending us back to the drawing board and saying, 'There must be a better way to do it.' The summation of all that groundwork is ... we're pulling the idea of a downtown special service area.

Ron Huberman