7 quotes about structuring follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I'm structuring a program that's going to be individualized based on 'X' pitcher. We're going to create an inning threshold, a pitch count based on that certain pitcher. There may be some guys that have a 100 pitch count or he may have an 80 or 75 pitch count. It all depends on the person's strength, arm action and mechanics. All of that will play a role in our decision making.

Johnny Almaraz

It's respecting their daily routine that they had in their community. We are structuring the staff around them.

Julie Evers

Tim's job was to manage contracts... and he did a decent job on it. But we are re-structuring in a different way.

Paul Godfrey

A deal that the tobacco companies will sign into if there is going to be one, will involve structuring a new tax and a regulatory regime that is not really exportable.

Martin Feldman

I think myself and a lot of other documentary directors owe a debt to fiction filmmaking. The key was to follow the characters and let the narrative be your guide, without getting distracted by other things. By structuring 'Enron' like a heist film, it enables people to understand enough of the complexity without getting bogged down by it.

Alex Gibney

I still didn't know if we could afford it, but Tom Wilson worked with us on structuring the payments. He liked our organization and wanted to make it work.

Eric Sadek

(There's a) growing reliance on partnerships between smaller, more specialized RFID companies with great expertise but limited resources, and larger enterprise-level application integrators that have giant customers and plenty of skill at structuring their IT systems.

Erik Michielsen