49 quotes about stringent follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Given the public health concerns, we are proceeding with full speed in drafting legislation to ban household poultry keeping. We are of the view that such stringent measures are well justified.

York Chow

They really are at a point where the easy stuff to do has been done, so now the choice has become between tax increases and fairly stringent cuts in programs.

Scott Pattison

He helped expose the need for more stringent controls on an arms trade that all too often leads to weapons ending up in the hands of tyrants and human rights abusers.

Mike Blakemore

We already have stringent regulations in place for tissue donor screening and for handling and processing tissue. These regulations are designed to protect both the tissue donor and recipient, and we expect people to follow these rules.

Julie Zawisza

What we've seen today is shocking. Ultimately it's down to how we keep strengthening our system to make it more stringent.

Naveen Chopra

My wife and I moved out here away from the hustle and bustle world. The ordinance, right now, is too stringent to let me do what I want to do.

Aaron Robinson

We just don't want the process to become more stringent than it is now.

Don Gibson

Because of its strong security, easy deployment, and client lockdown capabilities, Odyssey Client has always been the 802.1X supplicant of choice for enterprises. Now, government agencies too can realize all the benefits of a wireless infrastructure without compromising the stringent security requirements they must adhere to.

Joe Ryan

We don't want to end up with a situation where we both have a very stringent self-regulatory regime, [but then] we have to answer to their data privacy regime as well. The devil is in the details, and it's up to them to provide those details.

David Aaron

The conventional view on Wall Street is that the Medicare formularies mimic commercial formularies, and that's incorrect. These formularies are more stringent than what you see in the private sector.

Dan Mendelson

This is the fourth consecutive quarter of operating expense reductions and reflects the rapid completion of our restructuring program and stringent cost control.

Jeff Clarke

We're dealing with 15 regulatory agencies as it is, so anything that makes it more stringent or tougher to mine is going to be bad news for the coal industry.

Don Gibson

Our requirements are more stringent than the state's because of (Devils Lake) and because we're a closed basin. We set up a fairly stringent ordinance because we don't want anything more to get into the streams and cause harm to the water quality of the lake.

Joe Belford

We've always had zero tolerance for inappropriate practices. Where we've found mistakes, we've worked hard to fix them. We're now putting in place even more stringent standards and institutional safeguards to ensure our practices meet or exceed our customers' expectations.

Aseem Mital

Between the training and the paperwork, the fact of the matter is that organic certification for a restaurant or food facility isn't easy. The bottom line is that Crossroads now has a stringent system for ensuring that there is no commingling of organic products with non-organic products. It's all about making sure the end-product really is organic.

Jake Lewin

All have met stringent environmental and human health standards in product design achievement.

William McDonough

When you're talking about deportation and taking a very stringent stand on all immigrants, we have to be careful that we are specifically talking about those who have broken the law.

Leslie Sanchez

Business owners overstate the constraints. People don't understand that they are not going to lose clients over a stringent accounts receivable policy.

Brian Hamilton

Initially, our people didn't fully understand the stringent nature of what we expect and what the state of Colorado requires. We are taking actions to correct the deficiencies found and bring ourselves into compliance.

Doug Hock

Air bags will continue to be developed and improved especially as federal regulations become more stringent for protection.

Alby Berman

The FDA's action level is four times less stringent than the EPA's warning.

Michael Bender

We called his references. If you saw his recommendations, they were glowing. Nobody said anything about any investigation. We did a stringent background check, which includes fingerprinting, through the FBI, the state, and it came back clean.

Sheila Weiss

Mendocino is definitely a company to watch. With an established pedigree of enterprise storage domain expertise, and a distribution model that delivers application and data recovery solutions to enterprises through trusted supplier partners, Mendocino is well positioned to provide solutions that can meet the most stringent recovery requirements.

Arun Taneja

Currently a lot of schools and coaches have their own safety rules, but they're not the same as another school down the road and may not be as stringent.

Brenda Shields

We have begun to aggressively implement best-practices throughout the company and have put stringent controls into place to improve inventory turns and working capital efficiency. We believe that we will be able to reach a point of break-even cash flows by the close of fiscal 2006.

Luis Padilla

With the intrusion, and maybe rightly so, of legal concerns, medical concerns, business concerns, maybe some of that might be changing sports journalism a little bit - and maybe should change. The sports reporters of today - the good ones, anyway, working for good news organizations - shouldn't be held to any less stringent professional and ethical standards than any other journalist.

Tim Wulfemeyer

Because of his fiscal expertise, under one of the most stringent budget years last year, Pelican Bay was one of the few institutions that came back in the black.

Steve Perez

The practice, as found by our members during their visits to the southern states, is still continuing. We are studying the possibility of putting in place more stringent laws to fight the menace.

Girija Vyas

China has agreed to more stringent screening and testing of fish sold to Hong Kong.

York Chow

Stringent requirements will kill the IDA policy.

David Gelinas

The Army wanted to go back and make sure the (expansion) mitigation met the more stringent criteria of that court decision.

Ray Marler

Alabama does have one of the most stringent habitual felony offender acts.

Lynda Flynt

Today, the FDA sent a clear message that all candies sold in the United States, regardless of their country of origin, must meet the same stringent safety standards.

Larry Graham

This lawsuit is not an issue regarding safety. This is a technical issue. ... We already have the most stringent safety standards in the nation.

Teresa Thorne

For the present time Think Ohio is merely an information/public relations campaign. We have funded Think Ohio through our internal Student Government budget. This stream of funding does not allow us to lobby for partisan issues or for individual candidates. It also sets very stringent restrictions on the way and [the] amount of money that can be raised.

Tom Crawford

We will make checks at airports more stringent.

Juergen Trittin

Building standards in the Gulf Coast region are not as stringent as other hurricane-prone regions. We expect this contributed to increased wind damage.

Jayanta Guin

The attorney general supports the most stringent penalties allowable when it comes to these predators.

Trey Walker

Constitutional law is under continual reinterpretation by the Supreme court. Attorney General McMaster supports the most stringent penalties allowable for these heinous crimes and will defend any law the General Assembly passes which seeks to stop these monsters.

Trey Walker

Food manufacturing in particular requires extremely stringent sterility standards and stainless steel is the optimum material to meet these requirements.

Joe Campbell

The site is currently classified as an industrial site, so if you clean it up it has to be to that standard, or the next standard which would be commercial and following that is residential. Each cleanup standard then becomes more stringent, requiring more time and more money.

Chuck Hadden

San Francisco Bay has been hit hard by organisms hitchhiking from across the Pacific, ... They're talking about setting up very stringent rules for San Francisco Bay. If a ship has to change its whole operation to go into San Francisco Bay, it's going to reflect on the economy of the shipping line.

Linda Farmer

We're widely regarded as having the most stringent and complete sour gas regulation in the world.

Bob Curran

We've heard complaints that the existing requirements for foreigners to get permanent residence in China are too stringent, and we're studying possible changes.

Cui Zhikun

The codes for any sleep and study space [in residence halls] are very stringent upon what we are required to do.

Gary Thompson

It makes perfect sense that the most stringent voting system requirements would be coming out of California because that's been the source of the greatest criticism of electronic voting.

Dan Seligson

It's part of the new validation requirements that are pretty stringent. Any information that doesn't match exactly gets rejected.

David Tom

Landowners who earn credits would have a vested interest in increasing the value of their credits. The value can be increased by either more stringent regulation or reduced species populations that require a reduction in the number of credits available.

Peyton Knight

These rules are the most restrictive of any rules we know about in the world of biomedical research, ... The rules as you see them today are extremely stringent. With the ban on consulting for paid activities, I think Congress should be very fully reassured we've addressed the fundamental issue of public trust in the integrity of the science.

Elias Zerhouni