6 quotes about strategizing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

That's going to be a very interesting dynamic that's going to play out there. There will be some serious strategizing in the corporate suites of the best investment banks in how to deal with this venture.

Ivo Welch

[Rep. John Linder (R-Ga.), chairman of the House GOP campaign committee, told the AP that he has been strategizing with House Speaker Newt Gingrich.] People that we had in marginal areas are stronger than we thought, ... We're finding swing districts are looking better for us.

John Linder

They ... focused on separating the party completely from the executive. The party will only exercise its political role in supervising and strategizing. It will give guidance only.

Buthaina Shaaban

I think it's a fair statement to say the advertising base has been wrecked. We're in the process of strategizing how we'll deal with that now.

Rick Keilty

I'm hoping right now, with (former USOC president) Peter Ueberroth strategizing and putting everything in order, that they will try and present the case. Hopefully it will come up for a re-vote or for sure get us back in the games for 2012.

Mike Candrea

We worked on setting goals for her, ways of addressing obstacles and strategizing for success.

Denise Lewis