8 quotes about stockpiling follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's time to really throw out the old- and not-used furniture or clutter, whatever you're stockpiling.

Sharon Scherg

Preparing the world for a pandemic flu outbreak is a top priority, and we're looking at various options in stockpiling drugs and vaccine. But there are a lot of issues, and it's too early to speculate about this right now.

Christina Pearson

No, Blue Cross is absolutely not stockpiling cash.

Colleen Reitan

What often happens in a situation like this is people latch onto very concrete things, like buying vaccine. That's not readiness. That's stockpiling. We have got to have first responders who know what their role is, people who can get shots into people's arms quickly, and hospitals who can handle patients.

Georges Benjamin

We've been stockpiling fuel, just in case. We have enough on hand that we'll still be able to provide police and fire protection and public works assistance if there is a temporary shortage.

Keith Wright

We are discouraging people from stockpiling. We want to make sure we have it for people who do need it.

Dr. Doug Moore

We are one of the few countries to have embarked on this stockpiling at a very early stage... until now, we have been one of the countries which has been in the lead on this, and it is part of a comprehensive plan.

Sir Liam Donaldson

People are actually stockpiling gas, ... That's dangerous.

James Perkins