20 quotes about stationary follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Our movies give us the ability to track the movement of individual features within the stellar jet, both relative to stationary objects and relative to other objects that are moving within the jet at a different speed.

Patrick Hartigan

Either the car is stationary, or it's on the move.

Murray Walker

GOES satellites help our forecasters to see both the big picture and small-scale storm features. Since they are designed to be stationary, GOES satellites act as steady eyes on the ever-changing weather and climate.

Jack Kelly

We have a situation where there is a nice point of entry on a stock that has the leading technology in stationary fuel cells.

Jack Robinson

Now he must not go the wrong way round the circuit, and unless he can spin himself stationary through 360 degrees I fail to see how he can avoid doing so.

Murray Walker

This is the leader in what's called stationary applications for fuel cells, ... This is a company that frankly has the solution for California's energy crisis, but so far they just can't build enough of them yet.

Jack Robinson

They need stationary, dog and cat flea collars. I just learned they have horrible spiders over there and they need roach strips.

Rita Foster

We are reaching a point where our stationary air sources have pretty much bottomed out on what we can reduce. The number one source of air emissions is mobile sources.

Glenn Palmer

We're really excited to be a part of that. This is the second year it will be stationary and it might become a fixture in Chicago, which is awesome.

Joel Cummins

The three of us have a great understanding and know what we are all doing. Clint is more of an attacking mid, Danny plays more stationary, organizing everything, and me, I can be all over the place and win balls.

Shalrie Joseph

He got hurt on the second play and that really limited the things we could do. We couldn't bootleg, roll out. He was pretty much just stationary in the pocket.

Alex Barashkoff

These are 10- to 12-foot (3- to 4-meter) waves. They can literally pile-drive you into the bottom. The longer it sits nearly stationary, the more problems it's going to cause in the long run.

Scott Petersohn

But right after we got out of surgery, we walked around Munich. The next day, I was pedaling a stationary bike. By the third day I was jogging and around Day 5, I ran 5 miles.

Chris Leitch

Our survey also found that slightly larger businesses -- those with 20 to 100 employees -- have offices where 74 percent of their computers were stationary, while 26 percent were for mobile use.

Gary Chen

We are either progressing or retrograding all the while. There is no such thing as remaining stationary in this life.

James Freeman Clarke

Jeffrey said when the buggy stopped, it was stationary on its right side. When he looked down, he said that he noticed Mr. Jenkins laying face-first on the asphalt.

Travis Causey

The onshore flow of the winds tends to cause a lot of beach erosion, and because the storm is so stationary, this has been going on for at least four days.

Frank Lepore

The stream of life, - which, in other men, obstructed and at last stationary as the objects that surround it, seems scarcely to deserve the name,- in them rolls ever onward its rich and life-giving waters as if unconscious of the beautiful banks it has overflowed with fertility.

Jones Very

He's not 100 percent yet but he'll continue with the water therapy and riding the (stationary) bike and they might even let him do a little shooting. As long as he doesn't go crazy, anything that gets the blood flowing there helps the healing process. It was a positive report.

Bruce Weber

I haven't had a stationary home since going with the circus, but since my parents lived in Lafayette about 25 years ago and my sister lives here now, I always claim it as home.

Emmett Kelly