14 quotes about stardust follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It will take the experts many, many months before they will determine the accurate number, but I am sure that in the end their number will be close to what we have predicted. Stardust was very successful beyond all expectation in all its phases.

Thanasis Economou

Stardust is still very healthy and has fuel left over. After dropping the Space Return Canister, the spacecraft was diverted from entering the Earth's atmosphere and placed in an orbit around the sun that could bring it to another comet in February 2011.

Thanasis Economou

These will be the very first contemporary interstellar dust grains ever brought back to Earth for study. Stardust is not only the first mission to return samples from a comet, it is the first sample return mission from the galaxy.

Andrew Westphal

When I realized when (Stardust) was born, that sort of ignited an interest I had in the late '60s, ... I've had it all my life, having just missed that period.

Don Silver

In recent decades, spacecraft have passed fairly close to comets and provided us with excellent data. Stardust, however, marks the first time that we have ever collected samples from a comet and brought them back to Earth for study.

Don Brownlee

Remember when atmospheric contaminants were romantically called stardust?

Lane Olinghouse

Friend, you are a divine mingle-mangle of guts and stardust. So hang in there! If doors opened for me, they can open for anyone.

Frank Capra

And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of heaven: that each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.

Mitch Albom

Proposals to reuse the Stardust spacecraft are also welcome. It is anticipated that the consumables available on Stardust will make this more challenging, however, NASA is willing to consider proposals that are able to propose within the stated constraints.

Susan Niebur

The fundamental point is that we ultimately are made of this stuff -- 'stardust' from the interstellar medium.

Andrew Westphal

It's to be prudent, that is the only explanation. When this mission was launched, it had a price tag in the millions of dollars. Now that Stardust is safely back, the cargo in many scientific corners is described as priceless in terms of the data it can provide.

James Hartsfield

We have always stressed in this mission that we are stardust. Our planet and even our selves have a direct relationship to the particles we brought back.

Donald Brownlee

We're interested in watching the next phase of high-rise condos going up, and we're interested in seeing how the Stardust comes together with their new $4 billion product. We have cash flow we can sit on while we're watching the market.

Peter Feinstein

The Stardust concept, from the time we started scribbling it on paper until today, has been almost perfect.

Ben Clark