8 quotes about staggered follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This (result) was miles ahead of expectations, and there were no words on inappropriate costs to defuse the enthusiasm. I'd be staggered if the market consensus didn't go up today.

Philip Dorgan

I'm staggered by the question of what it's like to be a multimillionaire. I always have to remind myself that I am.

Bruce Willis

This even staggered us. Online institutions now have to assume that the account holder may have been compromised.

Alex Eckelberry

We might see some sun Sunday ... It will be partly cloudy, some staggered showers.

Kevin Kodama

We are all staggered by the size of it. We are in awe that we were able to make this acquisition. We think it fits us beautifully.

David Koch

So, one night when my mom and sister were gone, Aron and I wasted several six packs and got drunk. Yep. There we were. Drunk. In my house. Nothing magical happened. There was no enlightenment. We both staggered around like idiots. Then Aron went off to the bathroom and puked for the longest time.

Bob Anderson

[But they saw the result.] When I opened my eyes, the dust and shit was flying everywhere, the awning from the restaurant floating over our heads on to the roadway, ... We just staggered out on to the road. You could not see for the dust and dirt falling to the ground. Once everyone realised it was a bomb we just ran.

George Drake

It's a little different having (the hurdles) all staggered.

Erika Olson