19 quotes about squirrels follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We liked playing at Squirrels. We always had a lot of fun. It's a pain taking the equipment up those stairs, but Squirrels has a great vibe.

Wayne Horvitz

We have people in cars who run into cars and cause damage . We have squirrels, we have birds, we have weather, wind, all of these things happen. Our system is on 99.99 percent of the time for our customers.

Russ Jones

We get baby squirrels, rabbits and raccoons with multiple bites. Just a few bites can have a devastating effect.

Sue Small

I didn't know there were that many red squirrels in the county.

Mike Stevens

At this time of the year, a lot of the other plants have lost their leaves and some of that cover. Placing a tree outside, whether for squirrels, chipmunks or birds provides a brush-like structure and shelter from elements and predators.

John Mullen

We all have this deep-rooted fascination with the wild. It's as simple as feeding squirrels and pigeons on a park bench for some people.

Nick Jans

I have always brought home stray animals - everything from squirrels to wild rabbits to foxes and turtles.

Amy Weber

Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage, or squirrels in a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labor, and incessant anxiety, but never reach the top.

Robert Burton

Black squirrels can be born in the same litter as gray squirrels.

Michael Lapisky

It's early. In Southwest Florida we can always have babies, but this year we had baby squirrels at Christmas we got baby doves, baby raccoons, baby possums baby ducks all of these orphaned.

Pj Dietschel

It's rare here. I'm not sure to what extent it occurs. I've seen pictures of black squirrels and albino squirrels in the state, but those were from around the Fairbanks area. I can't swear to it, but this may be the first black squirrel on the peninsula.

Jeff Selinger

People become sort of angry and upset, and I think it's because we're all used to seeing squirrels and deer and all those kinds of animals outside, but when people see cats they think they don't belong outside. They think something has to be done.

Penny Berk

Once they're not handled for a while, they become pretty wild. Because they're with other squirrels, they'll learn what to do.

Kathy Uhler

Right now, we're trying to beat the squirrels to the pine nuts.

Arlene Ward

Not a leaf moved. Everything was gray. All the houses were the same one color. There were no squirrels, no birds. If you saw something move, it was either a dog or a cat. They clung onto trees. We would bark like dogs and the dogs would bark back at us. I took a speakerphone to amplify my voice.

Garo Alexanian

Squirrels don't have a very big home range, so they tend to interbreed. Because of that, you end up with concentrations of black squirrels.

Michael Lapisky

All animals can be inquisitive creatures - especially squirrels. They have the ability to go where they want, when they want.

Tim Gause

This is Lance's world and we're squirrels just trying to get a nut. If he comes here ready to play, we're all suffering.

Bobby Julich

Fairies are not always in a people-like form. Fairies are sometimes birds, sometimes squirrels. They have welcomed the children into Enchanted Woods.

Elizabeth Nosek