10 quotes about sophia follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I really believe over the past eight months Sophia has stepped her game up both mentally and physically. She is constantly trying to get better in individual sessions, practices and being a coach on the field.

Bill Solberg

Do you know Rose Lenore Sophia Blake?

Gerald Schwartzbach

They don't have any weaknesses. You try to stop them inside and they kick it out, and they were hitting their shots from the outside. We tried to double Sophia Young, and that leaves somebody open. They found the open person and they hit their shots.

Heather Ezell

We wanted to give interested students better access to the material. They can use The Sophia to follow along or to refer to when asking questions.

Danae Mcleod

Sophia Loren plays peasants. I play ladies.

Gina Lollobrigida

Sophia left her husband and two boys behind.

Lloyd Edgecombe

I am saddened to announce that Sophia and I are separating. This is a very difficult time for me.

Chad Michael Murray

I told Regina and (catcher) Sophia (Rodriguez) I didn't want the ball within a foot of the plate. For some reason, the next pitch was right over the plate and it got ripped.

Mike Tallon

In this case I think it was clear that the officer did everything that he was supposed to do. There was no way this officer could of known that eight hours later Sophia King would become homicidal.

Mike Sheffield

Madonna is for me the mix of Sophia Loren and Anna Magnani.

Domenico Dolce