14 quotes about soils follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The high concentration of lead in the air and soils of the site and high blood lead levels in the local population were well known from studies conducted in the pre-conflict period of 1999. UNMIK has been aware of the threat to the health of the inhabitants of these camps from at least 2000. Yet, nothing has been done to relocate them.

Sian Jones

By looking at different regions of soils and reflection of ultraviolet ... we can gauge the distribution and abundance of oxygen in the soils.

Jennifer Wiseman

Craven has good soils and the climate isn't severe.

Mike Carroll

The reason it immediately shows up on my radar screen as being horribly low is because the soils are so variable.

Robert Bea

We've got one of the best soils certainly on the East Coast and we get nearly four feet of rain a year. The climate permits you to grow here for 10 months a year, sometimes more. Certainly there is a demand for high-quality food.

Steve Parker

They transcend the swamp of New York politics. Because of their celebrity, Clinton and Giuliani are able to rise above the mire that soils so many other New York politicians.

Nelson Warfield

We are also interested in looking at the soils and rocks exposed during impact and making imaging and other measurements of these materials. This latter set of experiments will allow us to probe subsurface characteristics.

Ray Arvidson

Maybe we'll do a field evaluation, but on the whole, the soils look very good for the development.

Jane Johnson

As soils are depleted, human health, vitality and intelligence go with them.

Louis Bromfield

We had good response to rain; that means the soils are saturated and primed.

Ron Abramovich

If there isn't so much carbon in the ground, soils appear yellow, red, and gray. They take on the color of the minerals that make up the soils.

Steven Allison

In recent years, Chinese embassies and consulates on foreign soils often receive complaints from Chinese women married to foreign nationals, who are subject to domestic violence, sex abuses and even illegal confinement by their husbands.

Ren Yuanzheng

If the research is correct, and the (proteins) are able to bind to soils and remain infectious, it means additional deer might eventually be infected, even if we've managed to kill off all the previously infected animals.

Paul Johansen

It's quickly climbing up to the top. We can move into regions with saltier soils and colder springs. It's already popular and demand for it will only continue.

Louise Ferguson