7 quotes about snowstorms follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We believe that most retailers were in line or slightly above plan for the fourth week of December, boosted by pent-up demand caused by two snowstorms earlier in the month and the trend toward later buying in the Christmas season.

Daniel Barry

We got a series of snowstorms that produced significant snow. We ended the season with above-normal precipitation.

Jim Pringle

The increase was stronger than expected, and we were impressed with the rebound in spending especially after the snowstorms in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Michael Mcnamara

A lot of times you get people rushing home. People aren't so much in a hurry to get to work, but they are to get home. If we have those evening snowstorms, that's where we see lots of accidents.

Nile Easton

It looks like it's going to be fairly warm on Monday, but there've been April snowstorms.

Karl Jungbluth

The biggest controlling factor on the crab population is Mother Nature. We've not had a whole lot of snowstorms or icing of the bay or rivers, and really it's been actually dry. With the combination of all those things, it sets up really, really nice for a good crab season.

Jack Brooks

I think people who work here know we have high expectations for their attendance in support of our reliability needs. Same thing that we find in snowstorms and floods ? people always try to find a way to work at least until the roadways are shut down.

Dave Messing